WordPress 6.1, Misha: What You Should Know  

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WordPress 6.1, also known as ‘Misha,’ has officially been released. It’s the third and final major WordPress update of the year. This update closely follows WordPress 6.0, Arturo, and WordPress 5.9, Josephine.   WordPress 6.0 and WordPress 5.9 were released on May 24 and January 25, 2022, respectively.   The Namesake   Like other WordPress updates, WordPress 6.1…

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Core Web Vitals WordPress

core web vitals wordpress

If you’ve tried your best to design a WordPress website that performs well and converts users into customers, but you’re falling short of what you expect, you might need to take a close look at your website’s Core Web Vitals. These scores can shed critical light on your site’s performance and help you determine what…

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Benefits of having a Highly Available WordPress Website on AWS

wordpress high availability aws

Every business owner wants their website to become a magnet of traffic and conversions. So, if you’ve built an enterprise WordPress website and are ready to launch it in the web world, instead of relying on a single instance, why not create a resilient hosting environment for your enterprise WordPress website that’s fault-tolerant, which can…

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6 Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress Website

how to speed up your wordpress website

Your website represents your business in the web world, and one of the most important aspects of your website is its loading speed. A website’s loading speed impacts a lot of things like traffic, user satisfaction, conversions, bounce rate, and above all, profits. So, if you have a WordPress website and its speed is not…

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Build Trust – 6 Best Testimonial Plugins for WordPress Revealed

Build Trust - 6 Best Testimonial Plugins for WordPress Revealed

It’s not wrong to say that how many leads, conversions, or sales your website generates is proportional to how much trust consumers have in your brand. That being said, it’s important to incorporate elements into your website that show your brand is trusted by many. Here comes the role of customer testimonials. A study conducted…

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