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Conversion Rate Optimization for eCommerce: The Ultimate Guide

Soumi Biswas December 30, 2022 18 MIN READ

Digital Marketing


Is the conversion rate for your eCommerce store very poor? If yes, then it is high time for you to assess why it is happening. Generally, it happens when visitors have a poor user experience on the site. But it is not the sole cause for low eCommerce conversion rate, there are many other factors involved. And to offer visitors a pleasant user journey on the site, conversion rate optimization eCommerce practices prove immensely helpful. 


Conversion Rate Plays a Crucial Role 

In this increasingly competitive world, businesses look forward to attracting more visitors who can be converted into leads or better referred to as customers. When a potential lead enters the sales funnel, it is referred to as conversion. 

Now coming to conversion rate. Well, conversion rate plays a crucial role for any online business. It is an important metric for monitoring how an online business is performing in this competitive digital world.  

This metric helps to gauge whether a business is meeting its business goals. Plus, when a business is expanding its wings, the conversion rate helps to monitor the ROI (return on investment). 

However, it must be kept in mind that a business trying to make a visitor sign up for a newsletter or download their whitepaper will have a different conversion rate than an eCommerce retailer trying to get a visitor pass through the eCommerce checkout process. This is because, for eCommerce optimization, eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization practices would be in place. 

To put it simply, eCommerce conversion optimization helps to improve the conversion rate of a site. Wondering, how does optimizing conversion rate help? Simply by designing the eCommerce website from the perspective of target customers.  

If a potential visitor finds that the website has been designed keeping the customer experience in mind, they are likely to stay on the site and take the desired action. Thereby, helping businesses with a good conversion. 

1. Good Conversion Rate: What is it 

It can be said that a good conversion rate greatly depends on the industry and its goal type. So, for the eCommerce store owners, a good conversion rate optimization for eCommerce will depend on the design practices that will lead to a fulfilling shopping experience for the end users. 


1.1. Good Design Brings Great Conversion Rate 

Personalization is turning out to be very crucial for eCommerce store owners. Unless an online store or an eCommerce site provides a personalized user experience to its targeted customers, it can’t count on conversion. 

We have seen that a good eCommerce store design attracts visitors and makes them convert to leads. This happens because they are optimizing their eCommerce website. By optimizing the site, they are taking conversion rate optimization for eCommerce to the next level. 

COVID-19 Saw a Growth in eCommerce Stores  

The COVID pandemic saw unprecedented growth in eCommerce stores, as well as in online shoppers. The industry saw almost 150 million new online shoppers when COVID-19 hit the whole world in 2020.  

However, post-pandemic the situation for eCommerce stores came back to square one. They started to face the same kind of challenge to turn visitors into leads and loyal customers. 

To ensure visitors turn into customers, it is important to implement proper conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategies. But before that one needs to have a proper understanding of Conversion Rate Optimization or eCommerce conversion rate optimization (eCRO). Or why is it important for business?  

We will cover all these aspects in our blog post. So, read on. 

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)? 

The simple definition of conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the percentage of visitors taking the desired action on a website. That means the visitor completes the action that the business wants to perform, be it making a purchase or making a subscription. 

When you are optimizing an eCommerce site, you are optimizing it for more conversions. More conversion for a site means more sales. 

To ensure more sales, different conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategies for various pages can be implemented. 

What is eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization? 

Nowadays, eCommerce conversion rate optimization, or eCRO has become a buzzword. It is the process of improving the eCommerce conversion rate by making significant improvements to the site. It calls for improving the user experience (UX) of customers on the site, which will lead to more conversions. 

The conversion rate optimization for eCommerce is usually done on sites by tweaking the content, CTAs, eCommerce checkout process, user experience, and more. Basically, adjusting certain elements of the eCommerce site increases traffic and eventually brings profit to the business.  

Profit is the result of sales, the desired action aka, conversion of the potential customers. But to ensure sales and profit, understanding the way the customer thinks, feels, and behaves is very important. This will lead to a good user experience and maximize conversion. 

Conversion Rate Optimization for eCommerce: Different Industry Names 

By now, you know well that conversion rate is a metric. It is known by different names. For Google Analytics, it is called eCommerce Conversion Rate, while, for Shopify Analytics, it is known as an online store conversion rate. 

Why is conversion rate optimization for eCommerce Important? 

The success of an eCommerce or an online store is not limited to getting a good traffic flow. But it also depends on the number of orders that get placed from that traffic.  

Imagine the scenario. Your site is driving a good amount of traffic, but conversion is exceptionally low. Then one thing that’s clear is that the main issue that your site is facing is conversion. 

On delving deep, you might get to see the areas that cause the low conversion rate. As you work on those areas and fix the issues, changes in the conversion rate can be seen. In other words, as you implement eCommerce conversion optimization strategies, higher conversion is guaranteed.  

Let us take you through the reason that makes conversion rate optimization for eCommerce particularly important for online businesses. 

1. Help Businesses with More Sales 

The main goal of implementing eCommerce conversion optimization strategies is to improve sales. For instance, if the conversion rate of a site improves by 10%, it means the sales have gone up by 10%. 

According to VentureBeat, brands are improving their ROI by using conversion rate optimization tools. In their recently released report entitled – Conversion Optimization: How to win at performance marketing, it has been outlined that on average companies using a CRO tool have seen a 223% increase in return on investment (ROI). 

However, the overall CRO improvement will greatly depend on the strategy chosen for eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization. According to a study, reducing the form size from 11 to 4 fields can greatly improve the conversion rate by up to 120%. 

Another conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategy for improving sales is adding popups, especially if you are running your store on Shopify or BigCommerce. 

2. Saves You Money 

To be honest —CRO is the best strategy that one can use. In comparison to other marketing strategies, such as PPC (Pay Per Click), eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization (eCRO)is cheaper. 

For instance, PPC ads can cost around $10 to $40 per click. So, if the conversion rate is 2% – this means that you will need around 100 visits from the PPC ads. In this case, the average PPC ad cost is $15 – this shows that you must pay around $1500 to drive 100 visitors. 

When the conversion rate is 2% – you will just be making 2 sales. 

Often, going for PPC ads might prove to be a bit hard for small business owners with a limited budget. The best way out for them is to use or implement CRO strategies. 

3. Know about your Customers 

Implementing proper conversion optimization for eCommerce website strategies helps business owners to get accustomed to eCommerce A/B Testing, User Segmentation, Split Testing, Usability Testing, and many other things. All this helps to have a better understanding of the target audience and learn what they love about the website and what they don’t. 

For instance, usability testing shows if customers love the checkout process of the eCommerce store. If we see a red flag, it’s time to go for some eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization strategy. 

4. Boosting Google Ranking 

Without a doubt, user experience (UX) is a huge factor, and depending on it a site gets ranked. In fact, Google considers the user’s experience to rank a site accordingly. A poor or badly designed site will not get any sales — resulting in poor conversions and bad ranking across SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). 

On the contrary, a user-friendly site is bound to bring more sales and conversions. As a result, it can bring good ranking. Also, when a page starts to rank on the first page, it is going to have a high click-through-rate (CTR). 

How is Conversion Rate Optimization for eCommerce Calculated? 

Calculating the eCommerce conversion rate is not a Herculean task. To calculate the conversion rate of an online store, two figures are needed. They are Conversions and Total Visits. 

Once you have the figures, the following formula needs to be applied.  

Conversion Rate = (Conversions ÷ Total Visits) x 100 

In simple terms, to calculate the conversion rate, the number of conversions for a certain period is divided by the total number of people visiting the landing page during that period. Then that result needs to be multiplied by 100 to get the percentage. So, if your website gets 10,000 visits and 150 conversions, then your conversion rate would be 1.5%. 

To calculate the conversion rate optimization for eCommerce, you can use certain analytical tools available online. Or use the above formula. But for both cases, you will need to have data, such as the Number of Conversions and Total Visitors. 

However, if you want to increase the conversion rate, you need to know the proper benchmark for your industry or for your online store. Once you find the benchmark, then you can easily compare your store’s success with your competitors. 

Understanding Industry Benchmark for eCommerce CRO 

A conversion rate (CVR) also known as checkout in eCommerce forms the backbone of a customer journey. Moreover, it is also an indicator of the online store’s success. 

The average conversion rate for eCommerce sites is around 2 – 3.65%. For an eCommerce store, having a 2% conversion rate is usually enough. But there is always room for improvement.  

For a select few eCommerce sites, the global CVR is 7.7%. 

In case you want to sail into the CRO marketing waters, you need to invest a certain amount of money in it. To help businesses sail through the conversion rate optimization eCommerce process, taking the help of an eCommerce conversion rate optimization agency is recommended. 

According to IRP Commerce, the average conversion rate in the eCommerce market decreased by 11.41% from 2.38% to 2.10% in November 2022 compared to November 2021.  

Another study by IRP Commerce showed that the average conversion rate for all segments of the eCommerce market saw an increase by 19.63% from 1.61% to 1.92% in July 2022 compared to July 2021. 

Is Tracking the Conversion Rate Crucial 

Yes, tracking the conversion rate is very critical. Tracking the conversion rate helps improve conversions regularly. Plus, measuring the conversions allows eCommerce businesses to track improvement opportunities for the site. 

Based on the conversion rate results, a comparison of your site can be made over time. This will help to check if the implemented optimization strategies are having any impact on the site or not. 

Conversion Rate Optimization for eCommerce Strategies: Designing Pages That Help to Convert 

If you are having high-performing eCommerce product page that attracts enough leads and sales, you need to ensure that visitors are having a good user experience.  

The process of conversion optimization for eCommerce calls for offering a seamless user experience so that they sign up for the newsletter or make a purchase. 

To improve the conversion rate for any eCommerce website page, the following strategies can be implemented. 

1. Optimize the Checkout Process 

First and foremost, it is important to optimize the checkout process. Remember, the checkout process should be simple and seamless. Customers shouldn’t face any kind of snag while trying to buy a product. This is the only way to boost conversion for eCommerce websites. With eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization, buyers can be brought even close to the buying stage. 

2. Add Trust Signals 

Trust signals can be added at every stage of the buying process. Right when customers are buying a product and when they are going through the checkout process. Hence, including proper site seals in the checkout process is important. 

For instance, an SSL certificate on the site makes customers feel secure while using the site and can make their purchase decision very easily. 

Studies have shown two types of user behavior during the checkout process. They are: 

  • Based on the site design, the user perceives some parts of the page as secure over other parts. 
  • The average user’s belief of a site’s security is based on their ‘intuition’ or gut feeling. 

So, before your customer pulls out their credit card, make them feel secure by implementing trust signals. 

3. Display Product Reviews 

Another conversion rate optimization for eCommerce tactic that eCommerce stores should implement is to clearly display the reviews. 

User reviews are very important. They are crucial for gaining the confidence of the prospective user and helping them to reach a better decision. According to a study, two types of information about reviews are often looked at: the average rating score and the number of ratings on which the average is based. 

4. Optimize the Website for Mobile Users 

A crucial eCommerce conversion optimization strategy is to optimize the eCommerce site for mobile users. 

Nowadays, websites are optimized for mobile devices. However, many eCommerce sites are still not optimized for a great mobile experience. Since Google gives a huge deal of emphasis on user experience, paying attention to mobile UX is crucial. 

The reason is simple. People love to visit websites on their phones while on the move. So, one of the best ways to increase conversions and conversion rates is to make it easier for users to view the site on their devices. So, with this eCommerce conversion optimization trick, people can be made to pass the conversion funnel. 

5. Checkout Forms Should Be Easy to Understand 

Checkout forms should be easy to use and even understandable. No matter whether one is accessing it from their desktop or mobile, it should contain fewer fields. Why? Fewer fields create a smooth and seamless checkout process. This, in turn, lowers down the cart abandonment rate and improves conversion. 

6. Improve Product Photography 

One conversion rate optimization eCommerce hack for improving the conversion rate of a site is by using high-quality images for the products. Around 56% of users start to explore a product by viewing its image after landing on the product page.  

So, low-quality images should be avoided. Since it won’t describe the product properly and will lead to a high cart abandonment rate. 

A good-quality image helps to zoom in on the product which helps customers to make a purchase decision. So, eCommerce sites should use good-quality images for their site. 

7. Label Optional and Required Field 

Another crucial conversion rate optimization eCommerce tip is to fix errors that cause large-scale cart abandonment. Often too many fields in a form create confusion among customers and even slow down the checkout process. It also increases the cart abandonment rate. 

The best way to deal with this issue is to mark the eCommerce checkout forms with both optional and required fields.  

When users know about the fields that are needed and those that aren’t needed, then there won’t be any validation errors. This will result in a drop in the conversion rate. 

8. Implement a Live Chat Feature 

Nowadays, live chat seems to be a common thing. However, one needs to be extremely careful while implementing such features on the eCommerce site. Care should be taken to ensure that it doesn’t interrupt the users.  

If it does, it will become annoying for the end-user, and this lead to a high bounce rate for the eCommerce site. To increase the conversion rate and reduce the bounce rate, the live chat feature should be implemented only when the user is close to the sales funnel. 

9. Follow the 80-20 Rule 

The 80-20 rule is that 20% of the design elements of a site can lead to 80% conversion. The basis is that focusing on the design elements helps to improve conversion. So, an eCommerce conversion optimization agency for increasing revenue and conversion tries to follow this type of tactic. It’s true that by focusing on the design element improvements, significant growth and sales can be ensured. 

10. Offer Free Shipping 

Studies have shown that shipping charges kill conversion. Also, another study has shown that shoppers abandon shopping carts due to shipping costs. To improve conversion optimization for eCommerce website, you can try and offer customers free shipping. Do this and see how it improves the conversion for your site. 

11. Show Discounts Clearly 

For a proper conversion rate optimization eCommerce sites, clear information about any offerings, such as discounts must be clearly present on the site. The best place to put information about the offers is on the landing page. 

People love discounts and offers. When they are offered lucrative offers, it will surely enhance the conversion rates. 

In the event, the discounts and offers are related to a specific product or during the checkout then it is important to place discount information on the specific pages. This is highly effective to incentivize clients into buying the product. 

12. Provide Contact Information 

Another important conversion rate optimization eCommerce tip is to display the contact information clearly. No matter how friendly you make your website, offering detailed contact information is very important. Trust is important for online stores. 

Only when customers trust a site, will they buy products from the website. Providing contact information is a great way to improve the conversion rate. 

13. Offer Multiple Payment Options 

To ensure good conversion it is important to provide multiple payment options. Often shoppers don’t feel confident in sharing their credit card details on the website. So, if a site only offers the option of credit card payments, they might leave the site without making any purchases. 

This can be a cause for poor conversion but one way to get over the issue and increase the eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization is by offering multiple payment options. Apart from credit card payment, options of cash on delivery or net banking can be offered. 

14. Advanced Search  

Another interesting conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategy for increasing the conversion rate is to offer an advanced search feature. This kind of feature helps users to find products that they might be looking for.  

While the search bar plays an important role in website navigation, to improve conversion adding a search bar proves helpful. It seems to make the shopping experience even simpler for shoppers. 

15. Get Validated 

If you are running an eCommerce store, it is crucial to get it validated by official trust groups. No matter even if you have put the best conversion rate optimization eCommerce in place, unless the site is backed by groups, such as TRUSTe, Verisign, and Better Business Bureau, customers won’t trust the brand. 

Hence, having the logos of such groups on the header or footer of the site is a good idea. It can also be placed on the checkout page for improving the eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization. This will help to sway the decision of the customers towards a purchase decision. 

16. Use of Promotional Graphics 

Adding a promo strip is another kind of conversion rate optimization trick for eCommerce sites. This tactic is increasingly becoming popular every day. The good thing about this is that it can be placed below the main navigation bar. So, it remains visible to people whenever they visit to the site. 

17. Bring All Ways to Save Under One Roof 

If your online store is offering multiple discounts — coupon codes, newspaper discounts, loyalty points, and more — then you should create a one-stop bar for all discounts. This will prevent the customers from hunting and claiming discounts from one page to another.  

Often it can be annoying for customers and as a result, they might leave the site. one of the best ways to show gratitude is to offer all coupons and discounts under one roof. Doing so will drastically improve the user experience which in turn will improve the conversion rate. 

18. Create Urgency 

One of the easiest tricks to improve the conversion rate optimization eCommerce site is to create a sense of urgency. This can be created by using texts like ‘Time is Running Out’ or ‘Limited Stocks Available’ to show the exclusiveness of the product.  

This sense of urgency will not only keep the targeted traffic hooked to the website but also make them convert. 

19. Pay Attention to Thank You Page 

The Thank You page shouldn’t be an afterthought for any eCommerce site. Rather, it should be an important part of the conversion rate optimization eCommerce process. Seasoned marketers make it a part of their marketing strategy to improve their goodwill and affirm the decision of the customers. 

19.1. Things That Can Be Done to The Thank You Page 

The following steps can be taken: 

  • If your design allows, you can suggest related products to your customers in which they might be interested. 
  • Ask shoppers to join any loyalty or reward program of which they aren’t a member. 
  • Request them to download the app of your company for an enjoyable shopping experience. 

20. Reduce Customer Friction Points 

When you are planning to work on eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization, you will need to cut down the customer friction points. According to Cart Abandonment Statistic, it has been seen that: 

  • 26% of online shoppers in the US have abandoned their cart during a particular quarter due to a complicated checkout process. 
  • 34% of the online shoppers in the US abandoned the order as the site requested them to subscribe to a loyalty program. 

So, fixing these areas of friction can improve the conversion rate. Also, help a site to get the desired profit. 

21. Collect Exit Intent Information 

When you are planning to optimize the design of your site, make it a point to gather exit-intent information from your customers. As a part of the conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategy, the implementation of some tools makes it easy to gather exit-intent information. 

With the gathered information, customer traction can be greatly improved. In other words, improvements that a customer wants can be made with the gathered data. This will improve the conversion rate. 

22. Use Dynamic Text to Personalize Messaging 

Studies have shown that visitors respond to personalized messages more frequently than generic messages. The generic messages are usually one-size-fits-all copies, and it can bore customers. The best way to reach a wide range of customers is to segment them based on their interests or tastes.  

Introducing dynamic text boxes offers different content and messages based on several variables, such as product or customer interests and more. Automating these text boxes makes personalized messages more scalable. This will improve the customer experience that will lead to conversion. 

23. Build a Web Presence 

Another conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategy that helps sites to get more traffic and conversions is by building a strong web presence. A strong web presence can build conversion. For this, one needs to have a solid content marketing strategy in place.  

Content marketing strategy helps brands to get better exposure. It helps to reach out to the target audience more easily. So, posting articles, and blogs on prominent sites help to gain the trust, confidence, and credibility of the brand. 

This in turn will help brands to gain more recognition and authority in the market. 

24. Communicate Delivery Time to Boost Conversion 

One of the easiest ways to ensure a seamless conversion rate optimization eCommerce is to clearly communicate the delivery time during the checkout.  

According to a study, 45% of shoppers stated that the estimated delivery time is crucial for them during the checkout process. If a site doesn’t provide a clear picture of the estimated time, it can lose customers and face poor conversion. 

To improve the conversion rate and reduce the bounce rate, certain steps can be taken. 

24.1. Steps That Can Be Taken 

Shoppers are aware of shipping delays due to supply chain issues. Hence, they are more inclined towards brands that communicate exact shipping times and any delay possibilities. So, keeping the customer updated at every stage is very important. 

Inform them when their product gets packed, shipped, or even in transit. This will gain their trust and even make them loyal customers. Offering them an estimated time of delivery helps greatly in preventing cart abandonment. 

Leading or even new eCommerce players can increase their conversion rates in this digital competitive world by implementing some of these tactics. 

Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics for eCommerce Stores 

All eCommerce stores look forward to providing their customers with a seamless customer journey. It usually starts with prospects visiting the online store, exploring the site, buying a product, and sharing their experience with others. This user journey is possible because of the improved user experience that the site offers. 

In fact, some of the biggest names in the eCommerce industry, including Amazon, Etsy, etc., are constantly working to fix the UX of their website to ensure brand loyalty and profitability.  

The main goal of making such UX or other element changes is to make it easy for prospective customers to find relevant products and add them to their cart.  

Once they add the product, the online stores make it a point to take them through a seamless sales funnel and make them returning customers.  

This becomes possible only when the right eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization steps are taken. Rather, when systematic steps are taken it ensures fewer cart abandonments and more sales. This, in turn, improves conversion and eCommerce website conversion rates. 

In fact, eCommerce stores accept the fact that conversion rate improvisation is an ongoing process. Hence, it becomes hard to confine any conversion rate percentage to good.  

In this blog post, we are going to take you through some eCommerce conversion optimization tactics for online stores. 

1. Use Widget to Build an Email List 

It is a known fact that popups are a powerful tool for optimizing a site for conversion. Popups can improve eCommerce conversion rates by 9%.  

However, popups should be used in a smart way so that it doesn’t annoy the visitor exploring the site. For instance, a popup with a product discount offer in exchange for their email is a smart way to target customers. Customers love deals and offers and a popup like this can be great to engage with clients. 

2. Write Product Description 

When you try to optimize a product page for conversion, make sure to offer detailed product information. This is a conversion trigger. Hence, the product copy should be very interesting and engaging. 

The product description must be precise and offer the information that a customer is looking for. But the description shouldn’t be too overwhelming. When the product description does not meet the expectation of the end users, they will simply move away from the eCommerce site. 

So, adding details like product material or compatibility information is a sure way to improve conversion rate optimization eCommerce. 

3. Call to Action for Each Landing Page 

For ensuring a good eCommerce conversion optimization, it is important to implement CTA (Calls to Action) for each landing page. This doesn’t mean that you should have 3-4 landing pages. Even if you have 1 or 2 landing pages, it should have a clear CTA button. 

The CTA button should be designed to guide visitors through the purchase process. If a landing page doesn’t have a CTA, it will fail to push a customer through the sales funnel. In short, to increase the conversion rate it is important to add a CTA for the landing page. 

4. Customer Testimonial  

Adding customer testimonials serves as social proof for prospective customers. They start to rely on the brand since past customers have shown confidence in the products of the brand.  

This, in turn, helps to become confident and make a purchase decision. As a result, it helps to get more conversions and reduced bounce rates. Hence, this should be made a part of the conversion optimization for eCommerce website strategy. 

5. Visually Direct Customers to CTA 

Do you want to focus your customer’s attention on the CTA on the landing page? If yes, then you must declutter the landing page. Rather, visual cues must be used to guide the users to make users click.  

The best way to direct customers to the call-to-action is by using negative space or arrows that will direct users toward the CTA. In fact, the CTA must be designed in a way so that  

6. Call to Action Images 

An important conversion rate optimization for eCommerce is to go for CTA images. Just like Call-to-Action buttons, implementing Call-to-Action Images or Visuals serves as an interesting way to draw the attention of customers. The visuals contain a significant feature that persuades a user to take some action. So, eCommerce store owners can implement such visuals during the product buying stage. 

7. Product Videos 

Incorporating videos is a great way to ensure eCommerce conversion optimization. Well, videos offer a 360-degree view of the product, and it is almost like touching the product. Also, eCommerce store owners can explain the product in a better way through product videos. This can improve the conversion greatly. 

8. Make Shopping Cart Visible All Time 

You must ensure that your customers get easy access to the shopping carts. The shopping cart should be present on the top right-hand corner of the landing page. It is the habit of customers to check the items they have added to the cart. So, provide access to the carts whenever possible. 

9. Streamline Mobile Payment 

When you are running an eCommerce business, you are optimizing it for mobile devices. This makes it easy for sites to improve their conversion rate. At the same time, payment from mobile devices should be also streamlined. 

Usability testing should be a part of the eCommerce conversion optimization strategy. During the usability testing of mobile checkouts, payment method selection is the step where users face certain usability issues.  

Most sites enable only credit card payments, but they offer many other third-party payment options. All these options can be very challenging to balance within a small mobile screen. This can lead to confusion among the users. 

To get more conversions, improving the mobile experience is critical. This calls for offering the right mobile payment options. 

10. Shipping Policy Details in Footer 

Buyers look for the return policy of a product before making the final purchase decision. If the return policy is not located properly, it leads to cart abandonment or leaving the site. The best way out is to have a dedicated page for the return policy.  

However, some shoppers might also look for such kind of information in the footer. For this reason, key details about the shipping must be present on the footer. 

11. Speed Up the Social Game 

Buying or selling through social media platforms is on the rise. Small to big brands are implementing this as a part of their conversion rate optimization eCommerce tactic for improving the conversion. 

According to a study by Accenture, global social eCommerce sales were $492 billion in 2021. This number is expected to increase by $1.2 trillion in 2025. 

Going by the fact that target customers spend more than two-three hours per day on their favorite social media platform, this tactic can be helpful for brands to get conversions. 

Once you have applied some of the best strategies for eCommerce conversion optimization, it is bound to offer you great results, such as improved traffic and sales. 

However, if you are looking to improve the conversion rate of your eCommerce site, make it a point to follow some important techniques.  

Tips to Improve Conversion Rate of eCommerce Site 

The main aim of conversion rate optimization eCommerce sites is to improve the conversion rate. It is easy to gain traffic to a site through various actions, like optimizing the user experience, focusing on the target audience, creating marketing strategies, optimizing the checkout process, and more. 

But the immediate challenge that remains is to make that traffic convert. Your eCommerce site traffic needs to convert to customers for reducing the bounce rate and increase the conversion rate. 

Here are a few tips which if followed can help you to convert the traffic to leads or better referred to as customers. 

1. Revamp the Product Page 

Remember your target audience will land on the product page in one way or the other. Since it is the most important page, it should be optimized for conversions. 

Proper conversion optimization for eCommerce website can convince potential customers to buy a product and improve their conversion figure.  

1.1. Pointers to Consider 

To optimize the product page and improve its conversion rate, eCommerce conversion optimization agency professionals usually add these pointers: 

  • Adds a proper product description that can explain to a buyer why they should buy the product. The product description should contain product specifications and functionalities. 
  • Use high-quality product images and videos to properly highlight the product. 
  • Provide proper reviews that will help prospects to have more trust in the brand and the item. 
  • While performing conversion rate optimization eCommerce, care should be taken to keep the CTA buttons above the fold. There is no point keeping the CTA hidden if you want customers to click on it. 
  • A section called ‘Wishlist’ can be added to the site. It will help shoppers to come back and buy the item they might be interested in. 
  • Adding a chatbot to answer the questions of customers is a fantastic way to improve the user experience and in turn conversion. 
  • It is important to ensure a good user experience across all devices, be it on mobile or desktop. 

2. Optimize the Checkout 

The checkout process needs to be optimized through eCommerce checkout conversion rate optimization. There is no denying that shoppers don’t feel confident enough when visiting a new eCommerce site and offering details of their credit or debit card during checkout. 

By optimizing the checkout process, you are making the process even more reliable for the users. When they see trust signals from reputed groups, they complete their purchase instead of abandoning the cart. When this happens, it helps a site with an increased conversion rate. 

2.1. Pointers to Consider 

Here are some pointers that need to be considered for optimizing the checkout process. They are: 

  • The checkout process should be short and simple. 
  • There shouldn’t be any sort of distractions for the checkout page. 
  • Apart from card payments, other payment modes must be present, such as Google Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, Stripe, etc. 
  • Guest checkout must be available for the site. 

3. Showcase Social Proof 

To win the trust of prospective buyers, it is important to display social proof on the site. When social proof, such as ratings or reviews gets displayed on the site, customers start to trust the business. To implement this strategy, some pointers must be followed. 

3.1. Pointers to Consider 

The pointers that need to be followed are: 

When you showcase the opinion of other people who have already purchased the item, then potential customers start to trust the product even more. So, adding testimonials and reviews to the site is important to get a good amount of conversion. 

The highest ratings on a product are likely to bring more conversions. Hence, when you are planning for conversion rate optimization eCommerce, make sure to highlight your products that have high ratings. 

Add all badges and certifications that you have gained on your website. The badges and certification are proof that you can be trusted as it has been approved by your peers of the industry. 

4. Boost Site Speed & Page Load Time 

Page load time is often a conversion killer. If a website takes a lot of time, then visitors might get frustrated and leave the site. To prevent such kind of instances, it is important to boost the page load time. 

Often a slow website is perceived as a bad site by users. To make a site look trustworthy and professional, it is important to do the following actions. 

4.1. Things to Do 

  • To improve the website speed and load time, it is important to compress high-quality images. 
  • Website builder tools that are optimized for Google’s Core Web Vitals must be used. 
  • Make it a point to use page speed optimization tools. 

5. Run A/B Tests 

Among various conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategies, running A/B testing is vital. Sometimes a website might need minor UX or design tweaks to increase the conversion rate. This is where the A/B tests come into play.  

5.1. Things that can be checked 

The UX or design tweaks that you bring into the website design must be tested in the A/B tests before implementing it on the site. During the test itself, you will get to know if the site needs any more design modifications. 

  • For instance, you can check the call-to-action button’s color, or whether the copy is working for the site or not. 
  • Similarly, you can check if adding or removing the popups and chatbots make the site look clean and decluttered. 
  • Also, the A/B tests help to change the images or the videos.  
  • Changing the checkout process if required. 

6. Add Promotions 

Once you have implemented the strategies for conversion rate optimization eCommerce, it is going to bring in conversion. But if it is still not bringing in conversions then you can do one thing, i.e., create promotions. 

Creating promotions, like BOGO or a discount for the entire cart or limited-time offer, etc. can be created. These promotional strategies improve the chance of conversions. 

7. Understand Your Users 

One of the most important conversion rate optimization eCommerce tips for online businesses operating for any vertical is to understand their audience. If they don’t understand their customers or their pain points, then it will be impossible for businesses to make their targeted visitors convert. 

To understand the customers in a better way, you can ask them questions. Or just use tools like Google Trends or Google Analytics to understand what the audience wants or to their liking. 

In a similar manner, leveraging heat mapping tools tells where visitors spend their time most and where they make the maximum number of clicks. Once you gather the customer information and compile it in one place, you can take steps accordingly for optimizing the site and its conversion rate. 

These are some sure-shot tips that help online stores with improved conversion optimization for eCommerce. 

Benefits of Investing in Conversion Rate Optimization for eCommerce 

Whether you are hiring an eCommerce optimization agency for implementing conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategies, you will surely reap certain benefits. They are: 

  • Improve the marketing efficiency of your brand across multiple channels. 
  • Empower the marketing efforts. 

FAQs of eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization  

As you embark on the journey of implementing conversion rate optimization eCommerce, here are some answers to questions that might cross your mind. 

1. What Is the Purpose of Conversion Rate Optimization? 

The main aim of conversion rate optimization is in improving the results that one usually gets from the present website traffic. With a solid e-commerce conversion optimization strategy in place, you can increase the number of conversions you are getting for the site. In fact, CRO strategy helps to improve clicks, sales, and even sign-ups. 

2. What Are the Best Ways to Optimize Conversion Rates for eCommerce Sites? 

Most of you might wonder about the ways to optimize the conversion rate for any eCommerce store. Well, to carry out conversion rate optimization eCommerce, simple things, like streamlining the checkout process or creating clear product descriptions are the best way to offer customers exactly what they’re looking for. This will automatically increase your conversions and continually bring in more sales. 

3. What is eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Strategy? 

A conversion rate strategy for eCommerce sites is a set of actions that online merchants take to increase the number of visitors to their site who convert to leads or customers to the website. 

4. What is a good conversion rate? 

A good conversion rate is a rate that is slightly higher than the average conversion rate. There are several factors that influence the conversion rate, such as customer preferences, branding, economic factors, and more. 

Professional Assistance 

Planning to optimize your eCommerce website for improved conversion? Don’t know about the conversion rate optimization strategies eCommerce, which can be implemented for better conversion? Then you have nothing to worry about. 

Take the help of eCommerce conversion rate optimization agency professionals like eWay Corp and they will guide you through the eCommerce conversion optimization process. Having years of experience in this field, they will come up with strategies that will convert your traffic to leads. 

Wrapping Up 

There is no hard-and-fast strategy list for eCommerce conversion optimization. Rather, companies should adapt to those conversion rate optimization eCommerce strategies that align with three crucial elements: branding, target customer needs, and long-term marketing goals. 

When the strategies align with these marketing elements it will help to improve the conversion rate of an eCommerce store, irrespective of its size or niche.